September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month?

Cancer is diagnosed each year in over 300,000 children and adolescents ages 19 and under worldwide. Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease past infancy for U.S. children. However, thanks to better therapies, more than 80% of U.S. childhood cancer patients now become long-term survivors.

Did you know that only 4% of federally funded research is dedicated to pediatric cancer? Pediatric cancer is very different in that it attacks the body differently and requires different medications than an adult.

This month, 10% of ALL sales will be donated to Alex's Lemonade Stand. This is a foundation created to change the lives of children with cancer through funding impactful research, raising awareness, supporting families, and empowering everyone to help cure childhood cancer.

ALSF started with one lemonade stand, hosted by founder Alexandra “Alex” Scott in her front yard which raised $2,000. Alex was just 4 years old and battling neuroblastoma when she asked to give the money so doctors can find cures for all children battling cancer. I encourage you to click the link to learn more about this foundation and how it has helped fund and change the lives of thousands of kids with childhood cancer.

We believe in giving back to our communities and to causes that have touched all of us in one way or another and we hope you share that with us.